Psychic Power Newsletter

From: Dr Peter Filis

Location: Sydney, AUSTRALIA

Phone: 0409 652 191



Date: April 2005

Dear Friend,

In this issue, we will continue with Numerology, and begin looking at Palmistry.

Numerology (Part 3)

A psychic should have at least a basic understanding of Numerology.

Endless Numerology Calculations?

Numerologists are somewhat similar to statisticians, in that they like to perform endless calculations. You can:

Sum all the vowels in your full birth name.

Sum all the consonants in your full birth name.

Sum all the letters of your first name.

Sum all the vowels of your first name.

Sum all the Consonants of your first name.

Sum all the letters of your Surname.

Sum all the vowels of your Surname.

Sum all the Consonants of your Surname.

Sum your Lifepath Number and your Expression Number.

Subtract the first and last consonants of your full name.

Numerological value of the first initial of your first name.

Etc, etc, etc.

These additional Numerology calculations are completely unnecessary.

My experience as a Professional Numerologist since 1997 is that additional numbers give you very little additional information. Your own intuition during a reading will yield more usefull information than to “Sum all the Consonants of the Surname”.

The real problem is that after performing anything from 10 to 20 calculations on each individual, you will most likely end up with all the numbers from 1 to 9, plus the Master Numbers 11,22 and 33!

In other words, by performing countless Numerology calculations, each individual will give you a full spectrum of numbers, and this is useless. It's like saying that a person shows the characteristics of every Astrological star sign!

The only numbers that give you any real insight into a person are their Lifepath number (The Sum of all numbers in their date of birth) and their Expression/Destiny number (The Sum of numeric value of all letters in their birth name.)

There are 2 more important numbers used in Numerology. These numbers are used for making predictions. They are Personal Years and Personal Months. These are very powerful numbers.

Personal Years

A personal year tells you what sort of year you will have. It tells you what will happen during any particular year.

Calculating a Personal Year is very easy. All you need to do is add your day of birth with your month of birth with the required year. You must add these to the required year that you want for the prediction, not the year of birth.

Let's look at our example to see how this works out.

George was born on 15th of November 1966. He wants to know what kind of year he will have in 2006 (The required year).

His Personal Year calculation for the year 2006 would look like this:

Day of birth = 15

Month of birth= 11

Required year= 2006

Total= 2032 = 2 + 0 + 3 + 2 = 7

So for 2006, George will have a 7 Personal Year. The personal years are cyclical, so 2007 will be an 8 Personal Year. They run 1 to 9, plus 11,22 & 33.

The following is an outline of what will happen during each Personal Year.


A One Personal Year is a good time to start any new project or relationship. There is a natural energy and excitement for new ideas, and there is the underlying promise of longevity to anything begun during this year. This is a year to focus on you. You need to put yourself first.


During the Two Personal Year, there will be the opportunity to build on anything started the previous year. Close relationships will be strengthened. Making new friends will be easy. Reconciling with others will also be easy. This is an excellent year for partnerships. This will be the time to consolidate and expand any Year One projects.


A Three Personal Year will be marked by the realization of expectations formed during the previous two years. Since Three is the number of Creative Thought and Expression, this is a good year for new advances on the social scene and school. It's no surprise that many couples start their new families in the third year.


While the previous year was full of creativity, the Four Personal Year is one of consolidation and stability. This is a year in which hard work seems to flow naturally and progress toward your goal is easily seen. Some people may find this year to be unexciting, but there is a good feeling of accomplishment when it is done.


As you saw in the explanations of the Basic Meanings, Five is the number of change and variety. This is a year marked by new influences and new experiences. It's a good year to try out a number of different ideas, and it's likely that you will make new friends as a result. If you like to travel, this is definitely the year for it. Be prepared, however - with change comes uncertainty, so don't be surprised when the unexpected occurs.


A Six Personal Year is an excellent time to put a special emphasis on the domestic side of your life. You will be well rewarded for the time and effort you put into your relationships with loved ones, and you will see these relationships move up to a new level as a result. These domestic commitments will require more of your time, but don't forget to spend some time and money on yourself, or you begin to feel that some are taking advantage of you.


After the previous year and all the time spent with others, you will crave solitude and time to yourself to reflect on where you've been and where you would like to go, both figuratively and literally. This is not the best year to focus primarily on material progress, so take your time to ponder the spiritual, intellectual and philosophical side of your existence. You may decide to expand your understanding at this time, and this is the perfect time to do this.


The Eight Personal Year is very different than the previous year, and you will be very busy focusing on the material things in life. In terms of career, this is a good time for promotions and raises. In general, the Eight Personal Year is

a positive year for any financial dealings, so this is a good time to make wise investments and plans for the future.


The Nine Personal Year is best-spent reviewing lessons learned from the previous years of the nine-year cycle. Once you have gained perspective from this review, you will be in a much better position to plan for the future. It is important that you recognize the role this Personal Year plays in the overall scheme of your development - it is the completion of an old cycle, and your energy and resources will be better utilized in the following year, the beginning of the next cycle. This is not a good year to begin new ventures.


The Eleven, Twenty-two and Thirty-three Personal Years are not to be mistaken for Two, Four and Six Personal Years.

These Personal Years have a good deal more energy and potential contained in them, and you would be wise to make the most of them when they occur. These years will have a very strong influence on the rest of your life.

More about Numerology next month.

Palmistry (Part 2)

PALMISTRY is an interesting study and well worth your while. It has all the charm of exploration and discovery. If you have never observed the hands of your friends when at rest and relaxed, do so at your next opportunity and see how much you can learn of character and temperament from them.

Next to the face, the human hand is the most expressive and revealing thing in the world.

You can even read a person's hand while they are not aware you are doing so. A person may be selecting Tarot cards, while you are secretly reading their hand!

It is important that you have a set system from which to read; otherwise you'll get confused by the complexity of the first palm you come across and become discouraged.

To begin with, the reader of palms must examine the hands as a whole, that is the way the hand is held, the size, shape, texture, and general feel. Once you have looked at these general features, you then begin looking at the bumps on the palm and finally the lines.

Do not begin by looking at the lines first! This is a common mistake that many beginners make. Reading the lines first will result in an inaccurate reading.

In this and following Newsletters, I will take you step-by-step through a palm reading, from the very general to the specific.

Which hand to Read?

The first thing to do is to determine which hand to read. Here is the real secret of Palmistry. Both hands are different, but you must read the correct hand!

The dominant hand is the hand that represents everyday life. The subdominant hand reveals inherited potential.

Read the dominant hand.

This is because when we're born, both hands are pretty much the same — there may be some slight difference, but both hands are pretty much the same.

One hemisphere of the brain, however, became dominant, and that decided hand dominance. As you interact with the world, expressing your ideas and your will through your dominant hand, your brain energies focused on that hand, making it evolve faster.

The subdominant hand evolved also, but much slower. Therefore, we can truly say that this hand — the dominant hand — represents what a person has done with their life. The other hand represents their inherited potential.

Do not assume that if a person writes with their right handed, then their right hand is their dominant hand. Do not assume that if a person writes with their left handed, then their dominant hand is the left hand.

You must test for dominance.


To test for hand dominance during a Palm Reading, have the sitter clasp his or her hands together very quickly. Say: “Clasp your hands together now!” See the photograph below.

Make note of which thumb lands on top. The thumb that lands on the very top is the thumb belonging to their dominant hand.

Now, have them keep their fingers perfectly still in their clasped hand. Ask them to swap their thumbs over so that the thumb that was on the bottom is the thumb that is now on top.

Ask them if this feels uncomfortable. Ask them if it feels like it's in an incorrect position.

They will almost always say yes. Have them swap over their thumbs several times, until they decide on the most comfortable thumb position.

The thumb that is on top belongs to the dominant hand. Read the dominant hand!

Sometimes you find right-handed people who demonstrate left-hand thumb dominance. This is mixed dominance, a form of pseudo-ambidexterity. If you question the individual, you may find that they use the right hand for some tasks and the left hand for others. The hands are task specific. You occasionally see a left-handed person with a right-dominant hand. This is very rare.

Do ignore Palmistry texts that tell you the right hand represents everyday life and the left hand represents inherited potential. This is not always the case.

The dominant hand represents everyday life, and the non-dominant hand represents inherited potential.

Always perform a hand dominance test and read the dominant hand!

See you next issue!


Dr Peter Filis