Psychic Power Newsletter

From: Dr Peter Filis
Location: Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Phone: 0409 652 191
Date: July 2005

Dear Friend,

In this issue, we will continue with Chinese Numerology and also our step-by-step guide to Palmistry.

Numerology (Part 6)

In the last issue, we looked at numbers present in a grid.

We will now look at numbers missing from a grid.

Interpreting Karmic Numbers Missing From The Grid.

Numbers that are completely missing from someone’s grid indicate lessons that the person must learn in this lifetime. This life and future lives will improve if these lessons are learnt.

Missing 1
These people find it difficult to communicate with others.

These people must learn to communicate with others, to really connect with other people, and to understand other people’s feelings and points of view (sympathy). They need to really listen to other people. In short, they need to talk less and listen more.

Missing 2
These people lack sensitivity and intuition. Therefore, they make mistakes by ignoring or mistrusting the small, quiet voice within. They are also impatient. These people always try to justify their mistakes, or blame others for them, rather than to admit to them.

These people must learn to be more sensitive, to trust their intuition, be more patient and to admit and accept responsibility for their own mistakes.

Missing 3
These people lack confidence. They underestimate themselves, and always put themselves down. They also have trouble thinking logically when under stress or distracted.

These people must learn to accept their faults and accept themselves as they are. They must also learn to mentally focus and ignore disruptions.

Missing 4
People missing a 4 dislike hard work. They find it difficult to work to a set routine. They are disorganised and lack motivation. Getting out of bed and going to work is an unattractive proposition. They hate Mondays.

These people must learn discipline, work hard and to enjoy their work.

Missing 5
These people find it hard to set goals. They lack drive and direction. They need constant motivation from others.

These people must learn to set realistic goals and to complete them.

Missing 6
People missing the number 6 need to be more responsible. They also need to be more giving of themselves. They tend to hide their own feelings, and have trouble relating to one or both of their parents. They have problems with relationships until they learn to be more responsible and more open.

These people must learn to be more responsible, more open, and more loving of their parents.

Missing 7
These people are inconsiderate of other people’s feelings and misfortunes. They have little or no real interest in spiritual matters. They dislike being left on their own.

These people must learn to be more considerate of other people’s feelings, sympathetic to other people’s misfortunes and more relaxed around others.

Missing 8
These people cannot handle their financial matters. They are too careless or too trusting and suffer financially as a result. They also lack motivation and leave tasks unfinished.

These people must learn to be less impulsive and think before acting. They need to control their spending.

Missing 9
These people tend to overlook the feelings and needs of others. They are aloof and detached. They don’t finish what they start.

They need to learn to give more of themselves and became true humanitarians.

Missing 10
This is not a Karmic debt number. Missing 0’s means Karmic completions. This person is free from past debts. You’ve paid your dues. This freedom has been a long time coming. You have no more lessons to learn. Enjoy!

In the next issue, we will look at Chinese Numerology Arrows!

Palmistry (Part 3)

Lets continue our step-by-step guide to Palmistry.

So far, we have covered the following steps:

1. Determine the dominant hand.
2. Determine their current life situation by looking at their hand position.

The next step is to determine is the hand is full or empty.

A full hand

A full hand has many fine, spidery lines on the palm and the fingers. It is full of lines.

These numerous lines are not caused by manual labour or exercise. My experience is that manual labourers have fewer lines than unemployed or retired people.

These lines are caused by stress and worry. Full hands are a sign of mental or emotional strain.

A person with a full hand is nervous, highly strung, and has difficulty relaxing. They are tense. These people are emotionally complex. Other people see them as “deep”. They tend to over-react to situations. They worry unnecessarily. They are oversensitive to criticism. They tend to suffer from stress and anxiety related illnesses. Most people with full hands don’t sleep well – they either have difficulty falling asleep or wake up during the night, and then have difficulty falling asleep again.

An empty hand

An empty hand has very few lines on the palm and on the fingers. The few lines they have tend to be very deep and well formed.

These people are less prone to stress and worry. They are generally cool, calm and collected.

You will sometimes see an extremely empty hand. This will have only 3 or 4 major lines on their hand. These people have very basic needs - food, drink and sex. They tend to live dull, uninteresting lives.

The balanced hand

The best type of hand is one that is neither full nor empty. These hands have some fine lines on the Palm and fingers, but these are not excessive.

These people also suffer from worry and stress, but only when appropriate. In other words, they don’t worry unnecessarily.

Do look at lines on the fingers and thumb when determining if a hand is full or empty. Also note you are looking for fine, spidery lines.

A hand can change from empty to full (or full to empty) within as little as 6 months. Because this change is so slow and gradual, a person may not realise the change. That’s why it’s a good idea to periodically photocopy your hand.

See you next month!

Dr Peter Filis