Psychic Power Newsletter

From: Dr Peter Filis

Location: Sydney, AUSTRALIA

Phone: 0409 652 191



Date: October 2005

Dear Friend,

In this issue I will discuss the real secrets of reading Tarot cards intuitively. I will also continue our discussions of Palmistry by looking at the thumb flexibility.

Tarot Reading (Part 1).

I highly recommend that people learn to read Tarot cards well if they wish to enhance their psychic abilities. Doing many tarot card reading will almost guarantee that you will become psychic very quickly.

People often phone me for help with reading the Tarot cards.

These people are complete and utter strangers to me. I never turn these people away; although I can only spend about 5 minutes with them. After that, I must charge them for my time. I am a professional, and my time is valuable. But these seekers of Tarot knowledge all ask the same questions. Over and over again.

These people have difficulty remembering the meanings of the Tarot cards. And when they do remember the meanings, they still feel a little unsure. So they end up buying Tarot books, searching the Internet, or perhaps even doing a Tarot course. Here is the first secret of reading Tarot cards intuitively:

Secret 1: You will only remember the meanings of the Tarot cards once you fully understand what each and every card means.

In other words, you won’t remember what a particular card means until you fully understand it’s meaning. Until you understand what the cards mean, you will always feel unsure during your readings. You will always be flicking through your books during a reading. You will ignore cards you don’t comprehend during a reading, and move to the next card or draw another card. This is the mark of a novice.

You need to understand the essence of each and every Tarot card.

Most people suspect this is the case. So they begin searching for an Authority on the meanings of each card. They begin looking for the Holy Grail of Tarot card meanings. They buy or borrow many books. They spend many hours on the Internet searching Tarot sites. They search in vain. Here is the next secret.

Secret 2: There is no Authority on Tarot card meanings.

This secret is so important, that I am going to spend some time on this important point, and what you should do about it.

Listen closely. There is no book, person, website or course that is the final authority on the meanings of the Tarot cards. Each person can only tell you what the cards mean for him or her. Each person attaches a different meaning to each card. Each meaning will differ from other people’s meanings. Look through 10 books and you will get 10 different meanings to each Tarot card.

If you can’t relate to these meanings, you will have difficulty understanding and remembering the meanings. There will always be an element of uncertainty.

Here is why there is no authority on tarot card meanings. Tarot cards consist of a series of Symbols: Mother, Father, Love, Birth, Death, etc. Symbols mean different things to different people. Symbols also have different meanings at different geographic locations and throughout history. The Symbol stays the same, but the meanings change. People also change the meanings that they attach to Symbols throughout their life. A very young child thinks their Mother and Father are Godlike beings. Few people in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s have the same respect and admiration towards their parents. A young adult may fear death, but someone aged 90, who is chronically ill and suffers permanent physical pain, does not have the same anxiety about death. So the meaning of Symbols changes from place to place, from one historical period to another, from person to person and also throughout a person’s life. That’s why there is no authority on Tarot card meanings. This leads to the next secret.

Secret 3: You must assign your own meanings to each and every tarot card.

This is not as difficult as it seems.

You begin with other people’s meanings. You then reduce all these meanings to about 3 meanings per card. You choose the meanings that you can identify with the most. You must relate to and agree to these meanings. You must be able to look at the card, and understand why these meanings are valid.

You will find that after many readings, you will change the meanings attached to specific Tarot cards. The old meanings don’t fit.

In future issues of this newsletter, I will discuss all the traditional meanings of each card. One card per issue. You then need to select 3 meanings per card. There are 78 cards in a deck. At one card per month, this will take about 6 ½ years.

One does not become Psychic overnight!

I strongly suggest you subscribe to my newsletter.

Once you understand the meaning of each card, you will be able to interpret the cards during a reading. This leads to the next secret.

Secret 4: Do not just “read” Tarot cards. Interpret them!

You do not just “read” Tarot cards during a reading, in the same way that you read a book or a newspaper. If you are simply reading them, then you readings are too mechanical. Too general. Not specific enough.

You need to interpret the cards.

Look at the cards, and read them to yourself. But listen to what the cards are “saying” to you through the pictures and through groupings of cards. Then interpret what you see to the sitter.

It is for this reason that 2 people can select exactly the same cards, but get a completely different reading. It’s because the reader is interpreting the cards, as they apply to the sitter, rather than mechanically reading the cards.

One always begins as a Tarot reader. After 1000 readings, one becomes a Tarot Interpreter. After another 1000 readings, the Tarot interpreter becomes a Psychic. Once you are a Psychic, you can do readings without the Tarot cards, (or just glance at a card or two) rather than doing a full, formal tarot spread.

More Tarot hints, tips and secrets next month!

Palmistry (Part 7)

Last month we looked at the relative softness of the hands. This month, we will look at the flexibility of the thumbs.

Try this. Hold out the thumb of your dominant hand. Bend the top (nail) phalange as far back as it will go without hurting. Is it flexible (bends back easily) or is it stiff?

Stiff Thumbs

People with stiff thumbs are stiff in their thoughts, behaviour and attitudes. They have a cautious, rigid, unyielding nature. They don’t give in to external pressure. They stand their ground. They are persistent and have an iron will. They don’t like sudden change. They adapt slowly. They prefer slow evolution to sudden revolution. They are not open to new ideas. They are fixed in their attitudes. They acquire new skills slowly. They tend to specialise.

Flexible thumbed people consider stiff thumbed people as being too predictable and stubborn.

Flexible Thumbs

People with flexible thumbs are flexible in their thoughts, behaviour and attitudes. They are laid back. They are easy going. They are flexible when dealing with people or situations. They are open to new ideas. They are open to new opportunities. They adapt quickly. They thrive on change and uncertainty. They are very versatile, that is, they are competent in many areas and able to turn with ease from one thing to another – “Jack of all trades”. They need very few instructions and directions to perform tasks. They learn new skills quickly and easily. However, they give up too easily when they encounter difficulties. They lack persistence and determination. They give in under pressure.

Stiff thumbed people consider those with flexible thumbs as being too unpredictable and irresponsible. Stiff thumbed people may try to influence flexible thumbed people through endless persuasion and constant nagging.

Intermediate Thumbs

These thumbs bend back a little. These people are flexible and adaptable when they need to be. They are open to new ideas and opportunities, but they will evaluate them first. Once they’ve made up their mind, they won’t budge. They will stand their ground, but may ultimately give in under constant or intense pressure.

Next month we look at flexibility in the fingers.

See you next month!


Dr Peter Filis